Happy Birthday, Dad!
December 20 th is my Dad’s birthday. Every year I try to write a little something different about him on this date. I thought this year I would use something my younger brother Tom wrote in his “journal” that I found when he passed away in 2001. I’m amazed at the detail Tom uses when reminiscing about Dad. This story described Dad in a nutshell. From cooking tacos (or tamales) to good-naturedly cussing to being there with an alternative answer to a problem, that was Dad. Even though Tom and I didn't have Dad around relatively long growing up (Tom was 13, I was 16), it was apparently long enough to impress our young minds and help to shape our characters for the rest of our lives. December 20 is also the date Mom and Dad got married in 1941. Please pray for both of them today, won’t you? Thanks! With all of that being said, here’s what Tom wrote: (the illustration above was also drawn by Tom) "WHO NEEDS A FISHIN...