Aunt Jenny


January 3 is the feast day of St. Genevieve.  Anyone who really knows me knows of my devotion and reliance on the Saints of the Church to help me through life’s experiences.  Today’s feast day reminds me to pray for my Aunt Genevieve and to remember her influence in my life.  What better way to honor her than to compare her to her namesake!

 Most Saints are depicted in special ways through art, or “Icons”.  The use of symbols lets us know the special traits of each saint.  The symbols associated with Saint Genevieve are:

A loaf of bread—because she was generous to those in need.  I could tell countless stories of the times Aunt Jenny showed her generosity to others!

A coin suspended around her neck—symbolizing her consecration to God.  Aunt Jenny’s devotion to God and His Church was second to none!

A candle—which it is said she used as she walked to church at night and which stayed lit despite the devil’s persistent attempts to extinguish it.  Even though she had her share of opportunities to question God, Aunt Jenny’s faith never wavered!

The clothing of a shepherdess—because she grew up tending to flocks.  As busy as she was with her own family, Aunt Jenny always made time to help my Mom and Dad with their family as well; whether it was babysitting us children, taking Mom to the laundromat, driving us to appointments when Dad was at work, or simply coming over to the house to visit and keep Mom company—I could go on and on!

St. Genevieve’s tomb is at the church of Saint Etienne du Mon in Paris, France.  When it comes to my spiritual journey, I don't believe in coincidences.  Etienne is French for Stephen.  No wonder I feel so blessed.  It seems like every time I research something, the Holy Spirit sends me reminders that we’re all called to be saints, and that He’s surrounded us with contemporary saints, as well.

St. Genevieve, pray for us.  Aunt Jenny, pray for us.  And I’m praying for you today!


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